The Render System

Multithreaded rendering - The idea

In classic engines the rendering and the game logic will be done in the same thread: the main thread. So all the logic must share the time to get their tasks done like:

  • Input handling

  • User interaction

  • Scene-updates

  • And, last but to least, the rendering itself

So when you want to get a frame rate from 60 you have to work in a timeframe from 1/60 -> 1.67ms. Not too much. To encouble this a little bit I the OSRE-Rendering will be done in a separate render-thread. Each update will be done one frame before. This helps to get the render logic encapsulated from the rest and get more resources for a smooth render experience. Of course new render-API’s will be able to instrument multible threads for the rendering. To implement this logic a separate render-thread is an advantage as well. There is only one place where you have to look at. All the rendering will be managed in a separate task. The main-thread can communicate with the back-end aka the render-thread about the Render-system.

The Render-Graph

The rendering is managed by a render-graph: - In each frame all the passes were iterated - For each pass all the render-batches will be iterated

  • A batch iteration will set the uniform parameter

  • A batch iteration will set the material

  • A batch iteration will do all render calls.

It look like:



We have a class called the RenderBackend-Service which is the fascade for the user to the render-backend. If you want to create a render window or you want to add a new mesh to the scene you have to do this via the RenderBackend-class:

class RenderBackendService {
    virtual ~RenderBackendService();
    void setSettings(const Properties::Settings *config, bool moveOwnership);
    const Properties::Settings *getSettings() const;
    void sendEvent(const Common::Event *ev, const Common::EventData *eventData);
    PassData *getPassById(const c8 *id) const;
    PassData *beginPass(const c8 *id);
    RenderBatchData *beginRenderBatch(const c8 *id);
    void setMatrix(...);
    void setUniform(UniformVar *var);
    void setMatrixArray(const String &name, ui32 numMat, const glm::mat4 *matrixArray);
    void addMesh(Mesh *geo, ui32 numInstances);
    void addMesh(const CPPCore::TArray<Mesh *> &geoArray, ui32 numInstances);
    void updateMesh(Mesh *mesh);
    bool endRenderBatch();
    bool endPass();
    void clearPasses();
    void attachView();
    void resize(ui32 x, ui32 y, ui32 w, ui32 h);
    void syncRenderThread();

To work with this you have to configure it and open the access to it:

auto *rbService = new RenderBackendService();
rbService->setSettings(mySettings, false);
if (!m_rbService->open()) {
    // Error handling

Supported Render-API’s

At this moment the following render-backends are implemented:

  • OpenGL

  • Vulkan (in progress)